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hi all kiwis

Started by brent, February 23, 2009, 12:35:47 AM

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Make everything in the book really :D  Have a very cheese loving son in law so hope I don't kill him with cholestrol.  He eats buckets of the stuff.  Have made some really nice cheddars and goudas.  I think the gouda is the family favorite.  Have ried most of the aged hard cheeses.  They all turn out pretty good.  As well as all the soft ones.  It's loads of fun.  My husband has built me a cheese room cause he hates the stink of the hanging ones, (cat sick!! he says)  and hopes I will move my little operation to the new room.  My second fridge is now coming into operation, but I can't stop.


Sounds like you have a great deal of experience Judec. I would love to see some of your cheeses.

cath s

hello fellow kiwis!!

Cath here from Tararua District, lower north island.


not quite sure how to load a photo yet but I will get there.


There is a help for for that but to keep it simple just click on the Additional Options... button below ...

it will pop up a litttle _____________________ browse window

search youe computer with this and click the photo you want and your done!

kawatiri kaas

Hi Kiwis one n all. We're in the South Island on the West Coast. We hand milk one cow (first season), and have so far enjoyed making a few fetas, some cottage cheeses, a Colby and just this weekend a Gouda (Gouda type anyway?!), Lebaneh, 'Farmer's' cheese and cream cheese. Started out well then had a string of miserable failures (great chook food though), hopefully getting  back onto a better track now. This site has been a great help. This there a 'proper' recipe section somewhere? I've found some but only by trolling through miles of threads.
Bon appetit turophiles!
Brett and Michelle 


Hi Brett

There is a recipe section on the main site, https://cheeseforum.org/Recipes/Recipes.htm

Hope this helps!



 Kia ora!  Lost my password and ID when my last computer melted!  Great to see so many Kiwis making cheese. I'm in Whanganui. My dog ate my only attempt at camembert when it developed a very strong amonia smell which members warned me was not a good sign.  Now I know it needs to be stored in a breathable place!!  I really want to try making halloumi. Didin't see a recipe for it listed. I will keep looking,  O0but anyone know of a good one?


Several posts after the above one were on Halloumi cheese which as not NZ specific and of interest to others I have added onto a Halloumi Cheese Recipe thread here.


Here's a couple of the cheeses I've made recently.  First a colby, then the camemberts, without fluff and with starting fluff.
The camemberts are pretty damn good to eat.


Very nice jude! The rinds look cheesier without the "fluff."  I may have to tried that. I hate the rinds on camemberts and bries.



Yay for this site!  We've been searching for good information all over the net and now we've found it all  in one place.

Just starting out in the cheese making game and have so far made Camembert, halloumi, red Leicester, feta, quark, ricotta, romano, brie and I'm just about to have a go with a blue vein and parmesan.  Desperate to move out of our home kitchen and get a decent set up.  We have definitely got the cheese making bug!

Looking forward to hearing about everyone's successes and challenges  :o


Hey y'all, or in a more NZ fashion -> Kia Ora :)

Palmerston North here, relatively recent "import" (2003).

DeejayDebi, how can you NOT like the rind on camembert/brie? It's the best part! :)

I need me a wine fridge, because building an aging room is just not possible at the moment :)


I don't know Vavroom I think it's a textural thing. I just don't like it.


If you need a fridge with a thermostat control on it you can order an external one from:


Refrigerator Thermostat $69.95

I have one set up in a old fridge with no fan as not to dry out my cheese works really well. I live in wellington and its hotter in my fridge than it is in my shed. Anyone who lives near wellington want to sell me some milk. I have made only one unpasteurised brie so far and it was real nice.