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artisan cheese creamery and goat dairy for sale

Started by BTR, August 10, 2013, 12:02:24 PM

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Thriving artisan cheese creamery and goat dairy for sale. New, state-of-the-art creamery for pasteurization and cheesemaking, equipped for up to 1,000 lbs/wk production and sized for more. New milking parlor with platform, cascading headgates, and low-line, clean-in-place milking system. Two barns (one new) with ample hay storage, and two small grain storage silos. Farmhouse on site. Chicken coops for 200 chickens; concrete, fenced pig sty for 25 pigs. 10 acres, approximately 7 acres of pasture. Located 10 miles from metropolitan market and within 100 miles of Boston and New York.   ctartisancheese@gmail.com