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Fiche de fabrication Reblochon

Started by mohamed, June 02, 2014, 06:00:07 PM

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salut a tous,

-je vous propose la Fiche de fabrication du Reblochon en pièce jointe


Andrew Marshallsay

Merci pour la recette, Hidri. Je viens de rentrer de France et aimé le Reblochon, je vais donc le mettre sur ma liste de fromage à faire. Sont ces notes de vos propres marques et, si oui, comment ont-ils tourner? [Si ce poste est un peu étrange, blâmer Google Translate.]
(Thanks for the recipe, Hidri. I have just returned from France and loved the Reblochon, so I will have to put it on my list of cheese to make. Are these notes from your own makes and, if so, how did they turn out? [If this post is a bit strange, blame Google Translate.])
- Andrew


sorry I did not understand your request !!
I have difficulty with English
me too I use Google Translate


Il/Elle demande si c'est ton propre recette, si tu l'avais fait. Et si c'est bien marche.

(Thanks for the recipe, Hidri. I have just returned from France and loved the Reblochon, so I will have to put it on my list of cheese to make. Are these notes from your own makes and, if so, how did they turn out? [If this post is a bit strange, blame Google Translate.])[/i]

Andrew Marshallsay

Jerry: Thanks for the translation.
Hidri: Je comprend. Le Francais est difficile pour moi.
- Andrew


Quote from: jerryg on June 18, 2014, 01:34:05 PM
Il/Elle demande si c'est ton propre recette, si tu l'avais fait. Et si c'est bien marche.

(Thanks for the recipe, Hidri. I have just returned from France and loved the Reblochon, so I will have to put it on my list of cheese to make. Are these notes from your own makes and, if so, how did they turn out? [If this post is a bit strange, blame Google Translate.])[/i]

merci c'est très gentil de votre part

Quote from: Raw Prawn on June 18, 2014, 06:49:00 AM
Merci pour la recette, Hidri. Je viens de rentrer de France et aimé le Reblochon, je vais donc le mettre sur ma liste de fromage à faire. Sont ces notes de vos propres marques et, si oui, comment ont-ils tourner? [Si ce poste est un peu étrange, blâmer Google Translate.]
(Thanks for the recipe, Hidri. I have just returned from France and loved the Reblochon, so I will have to put it on my list of cheese to make. Are these notes from your own makes and, if so, how did they turn out? [If this post is a bit strange, blame Google Translate.])

- it is a card of formation with the French standard
- yes I have to test several times
- you can succeed easily if you neglect any stage of the manufacturing

Quote from: Raw Prawn on June 19, 2014, 08:24:42 AM
Jerry: Thanks for the translation.
Hidri: Je comprend. Le Francais est difficile pour moi.

I too  ^-^