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Canadian Amateur Cheese Making Competition/Awards

Started by pliezar (Ian), January 18, 2015, 06:30:55 PM

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pliezar (Ian)

Calling all home cheesemakers!

Canadian Amateur Cheesemaking Awards, the first-ever judging and competition for home cheesemakers, takes place in conjunction with the fifth anniversary Great Canadian Cheese Festival on June 6-7.

The mission is to recognize and honour the best in amateur cheesemaking and to provide encouragement and feedback to home cheesemakers.

Awards will be presented for best in each of five cheese categories with category winners in the running for Best of Show. Judging reports will be issued for each cheese entered.

             Fresh Cheese
             Bloomy Rind Cheese
             Washed Rind Cheese
             Blue Cheese
             Firm Cheese.

Amateur Cheesemaking Awards is an annual judging and competition open to home cheesemakers in Canada who are not, nor have applied to be, licensed, either provincially or federally, to sell cheese to the public. The first entry is $25 plus tax and each additional entry is $15 plus tax. Entries must be registered online no later than April 15.

Go to https://cheesefestival.ca/amateurcheesemaking/ to register and get more information

Right now the Awards are only open to Canadian Entries, but we are working with the CBSA and CFIA to allow US Entries

Al Lewis

Making the World a Safer Place, One Cheese at a Time! My Food Blog and Videos

pliezar (Ian)

No quite, but we are working on accepting US entries.