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Traditional method, raw milk, knitted cheese making.

Started by Cem333, February 18, 2019, 05:07:26 PM

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Hi, raw milk from the traditional method to produce cheese and mozzarella type of cheese and cheese, but in the region where I live in the natural feeding of the animal milk is not used. Since my milk is raw, I'm not mature at all. The cheese is hard and comes out in a strap-like structure. Is fermentation ph 6.4 natural ripening necessary? In the abomasum yeast, which I bought from a natural slaughterhouse, I get and use the enzyme. What is the reason for the taste and aroma of Abomasum? Does Abomasum contain significant lactic acid bacteria?
What's the secret in giving you a perfect taste?
My Cheese is causing the fat to be in the structure like a milk fat 4.2 p 3.5

Please help.?

My English is not good thank you for your understanding.


Hello Cem, and welcome to the forum! I have visited Turkey 3 times, and it is a beautiful country. Unfortunately I have never been in the region of Düzce - someday I would like visit in that area as well.

You definitely need to reach a pH of around 5.3-5.4 in order to make mozzarella. The cheese will not stretch properly (or at all) except at that very specific pH. To get that pH, you need either to ripen (ferment) using lactic acid bacteria, OR you can try adding acid directly to get to the right level (citric acid is typically used). One thing I need to say is that mozzarella is actually one of the more difficult cheeses to make, because of the very narrow range of pH that must be achieved.

The abomasum may contain some lactic acid bacteria, but I would not count on it; it is mostly for the rennet which causes the milk to turn into curd. If your milk is raw, it will definitely contain various bacteria, including lactic acid bacteria, but generally you want to help boost the right type of bacteria. Here is an easy solution - yogurt. Mix some yogurt up with some of the milk, and add it back to the rest of the milk. Give it some time at around 30-32°C to begin to develop before adding the rennet (abomasum).

I am not sure if I am answering your questions. Please ask more questions as needed!
-- Andy