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Making pasteurised cheeses from raw milk

Started by joelTSL, April 11, 2021, 06:49:22 PM

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Quick question: If I make mozzarella using raw milk, when I'm scalding my hands stretching the curds in whey at ~90'C (as described here: https://curd-nerd.com/soft-cheese-recipes/mozzarella/ ) will that pasteurise the mozzarella, or would I need to pasteurise the milk first?

Thanks in advance,



I would say yes.  Even if it doesn't fully pasturize mozzarella doesn't age so not really any time for the bad guys to take hold.  Personally I have no issues with raw milk cheese so long as I know it came from a clean dairy.  The scare from milk that caused milk to be pasturized were more a processor issue than a dairy issue dating back to "The Jungle".