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Curd Knives

Started by Cartierusm, January 02, 2009, 10:59:07 PM

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Please refer to post https://cheeseforum.org/forum/index.php/topic,521.15.html for the full story. I will be taking pre-orders for curd knives. If I don't get enough orders I don't think I'll be able to afford to make them. For the 1/2" size I'll need 8 orders and same for the 1/4".

Normally a set of 2 professional curd knives 24" x 36" are $2000.

For the Dedicated Amateur #1:
1/2" Squares (.478") 316 Food Grade Sanitary Stainless Steel. 12" wide by 22" high. With angled Stainless Steel Handle. $100.00 does not include shipping.

For the Dedicated Amateur #2:
1/2" Squares (.478") 316 Food Grade Sanitary Stainless Steel. 6" wide by 22" high. With angled Stainless Steel Handle. $90.00 does not include shipping.

For the Home User:
1/2" Squares (.478") 316 Food Grade Sanitary Stainless Steel. 5" wide by 12" high. With angled Stainless Steel Handle. $85.00 does not include shipping.

For 1/4" Square add $10 to the price of the 1/2" models.

Please post orders here or PM me or email me. The ordering process is tell me how many and then PM or email me your phone number and address. I will not collect money until they are finished. I do need money before I mail them of course. I accept Paypal. I will give you a total including shipping when they are finished. Once I get the required number of orders I will post saying I have started and it will probably take me a week to finish them and send them out.

A lot of this is just for the materials besides the mesh itself. There is a lot of construction in it as well. And even though the smaller ones use less material it still takes the same amount of time to construct. These Prices are only for Cheeseforum members that have joined up until today's date. These are labor intensive so I'm just making these at this price for the current members. I'm going to try to sell some to the online cheese making supply stores and those will retail for about $200 - $300 or so. Not sure yet on pricing.

Custom Sizes available but I recommend Pro Model #2 as it will be more versatile and easier to handle. If you notice online videos of cheese making they don't use a curd knife as big as their vats. The move the knife around until they get all the curds.

I will provide clear written instruction on how to use and care for as well as a warranty. I will also have an online video showing how to use it effectively.

I'm looking to manufacturing Cheese Presses for home and professional, hoops for cheese molding with customized followers.

*****ATTENTION I didn't join this board to make money or sell any of my items, it just came about because people were asking. I plan on being a contributing member of this forum as long as I'm making cheese. I don't want people to think I've had an ulterior motive. Work for me right now is so slow I'm on the verge of going broke. So it's something to do and make a little money. I also have honestly priced these items WAY below what I would charge the public.

I will repost this in the selling section, John (CH) if I have violated any rule let me know and I'll stop posting stuff for sale. Thanks.


If these are the knives that do both the vertical and horizontal cuts count me in for one. I have no idea which one I would need. The cheese pot I will be using it in measures approx. 11-3/4" diameter x 9-3/4" deep (inside dimensions). I would also like to be able to use it in some of my smaller pots which are in the 10" x 8" range.
I'll leave the decision up to your expertise.
I sincerely hope you get enough orders to make these and I also sincerely appreciate you offering them at such a fair price.
I also hope everyone understands that this is a great opportunity to own a piece of equipment that will not only make cheesemaking life easier but turn out a superior final product at a DRASTICALLY reduced price. I've also looked online for these items and I can say that you aren't exagerrating in the least the price of the commercial product.
Like I said, count me in for one.
Once you set your final price on these, let me know what it is. I would like to post a link on the other message board to see if I can drum up a little more business for you.
Thanks again.


Thanks for the kind words. Yes do post a link. These will be final prices. I really can't do them any cheaper, I know the mesh may only be $12 per knife but then there's shipping, tax, welding gas, welding wire, soldering flux, solder, polishing discs, Stainless Steel Bar for the frame, Stainless Steel Tubing for the Handle, etc... it really adds up. They won't be any more expensive than I've listed them for, that will be the price not including shipping, which will of course be the actual cost.


I put a link on the other site and am now waiting to hear if you meet your minimum amount. Please let me know as soon as possible if you decide to offer these. I've already cleared this one with my wife. Yeah, she's a keeper.



This propostition never worked out and I'm not doing these type of knives anymore. Please goto my website www.thecheesewhey.com to see products and prices for the items I'm offering.

I'm writing this as someone contacted me about THESE knives. Sorry for any confusion.