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Attractive cheese packaging

Started by Jeannie, September 13, 2020, 05:45:49 PM

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Hi All,
I'm beginning to think about Christmas gifts and would like to give cheese this year.  Not sure what type yet.  If you wrap your cheese attractively for family and friends, would you mind posting the pics here. I would love to see all your creations.

Low rants

Hi :)

Um, cheese gifts are indeed difficult, as most cheeses need to be eaten quite fast, and taking it out of their package will decrease their lifespan.

Two options :

  • Give it directly with a platter, under a cheese bell. This option is really appealing to the eye, but also quite expensive, and transport is a pain
  • Wrapping in a traditional transparent gift basket package, with some straw for aesthetics. This option is less beautiful, because you need to keep every cheese's packaging, but it's way more convenient

I also assume that most cheese gift boxes sold online are pre wrapped.

Hope it helped


Talking about cheese packaging... If you'd send the cheese to Germany, will you have to license the packaging of the cheese? :D I have a little online shop and started reading about the responsibilities concerning shipping to Germany. That's why I found that thing called the German Packaging Act: https://www.lizenzero.de/en/blog/german-packaging-act-in-the-uk-obligations-when-shipping-to-germany/ (here UK specific)

Best wishes,


Last Christmas I did feta stored in olive oil.  Made an attractive looking jar.