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Next Course: Ripen Lactic Acid Cheese

Started by cheese@Guelph, June 02, 2022, 02:04:55 PM

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There are still spaces for the next Master Class: Ripen Lactic Acid Cheese! June 21-23, 2022. University of Guelph. Two sections: Section 1 is in the pilot plants (Guelph) and section 2 is fully online. 2.5 days in class, and three weeks to complete 2 quizzes and one assignment. That is if you want to have a grade for the course, otherwise you do not need to complete quizzes/assignment.
Want to understand the difference between Valencay and Camembert? Ever wonder how Epoisses is the stinkiest cheese in the world and want to learn how to make it? Would kie to use lactic acid coagulation to create new spectacular cheese varieties? Sheep, Goat, cow cheese... we have it all.
Here is the link:

Email me for questions: cheese@uoguelph.ca

Cheese at Guelph By Mary Ann Ferrer
LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram: CheeseatGuelph


I'm no longer in the area and don't have anywhere near that kind of money for a course, but that would be one that I would take if I could.  Margret Morris and Glengarry cheese is a big selling point :-)

BTW, I noticed the e-text book that this course refers to is Creative Commons.  It can be accessed here: https://books.lib.uoguelph.ca/cheesemakingtechnologyebook/  I will definitely be giving that a read!