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Online European Shop In Poland - Serowar

Started by UpMyKilt, December 28, 2022, 10:06:49 PM

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Here in Greece, you'd think it might be easy to find cheese making supplies but it's not - maybe would be easier if I spoke Greek though.

A few weeks ago, I was searching around and came across this website, located in Poland: Serowar https://serowar.eu/

I have not made any cheeses so far that need a hard mold but I want to try cheddar and gouda, and of course some others. They also have a very nice looking Dutch style cheese press. I also needed a larger pot than I presently have - and good quality ones here are very expensive in Greece - while cheap stainless that is not that great, and made in China are available everywhere - and sometimes not so inexpensive.

I took a chance not knowing much about the company and was really impressed! Communication with them was good (in English), their products are superb! The stainless steel pot that I picked out is 20.9 litres (5.5 US Gallons), and including taxes was 60.92 Euros including taxes.

This pot is rugged and well made! Heavy gauge thick stainless steel - it will last a few generations I'm sure! Made in Poland.

The cheese press is very well built - I selected the large beech hardwood - total price including taxes: 55.56 Euros.

They also had lamb rennet paste which I've never used, so for the price, I thought I would give it a try. Again, the price was pretty amazing 100 grams for 2.06 Euros.

I got a few other things as well that they have for sale - they have a nice section of dried herbs and fruit - and I thought the "Wild Leek" - sometimes called "Ramps" looked interesting as a possible addition to some cheeses. 100 grams was 3.31 Euros incl. tax. And this is really nice quality - bold taste and aroma, so it hasn't been sitting around very long.

I'll also get back into Kefir making as they had that too!

Because of the large pot and cheese press, courier fees were not cheap however, but they tried to find the most economical way they could, to send the package to me in Greece. In the end, that cost 73 Euros with tax.

I will definitely be purchasing from them again. Makes it easy for me as they also have English version of their website, and I don't have to go looking all over the place here for supplies. For example, I've searched and searched and cannot find calcium chloride in Greece, except for industrial use in large quantities.

Rennet is not too difficult though - pharmacies carry it!

If you're in Europe, you might want to give Serowar a try.