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Reg's Restaurant Cheese Appetizers

Started by Webmaster, June 04, 2008, 01:45:57 AM

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Following email & pictures submitted by Chef Reg:

Morning John. Attached are a few of the cheese appetizers that we make on a regular basis. All are smoked products using cheeses as fillings. I can't imagine how good these would be using real home made cheeses. I'm afraid to even think about it.

IMGP0229 is a baked mini wonton cup filled with a cream cheese and smoked shrimp mouse and topped with a butter sautéed garlic and tarragon whole shrimp.

IMGP0244 is what I would call my ultimate chicken wing. It is a frenched thumper from the wing, wrapped with bacon then filled with the cheese sauce. haemish762 would like this particular one because it is filled with a blue cheese sauce.

IMGP0311 are ripe jalapeno peppers that are split in half, veined and seeded then filled with seasoned cream cheese (much like a Boursin) then wrapped with bacon and cooked on the smoker over cherry wood. My wife's all time favourite appetizer.

Cheese Head

Chef reg!

Nice snaps and appetizers, I need to eat at one of the restaurants you work at!

I'll have to try your jalapeno peppers, silly question from a non-chef, while it sounds weird but fun, I have no idea what a "frenched thumper from the wing" is :o?


Email reply with snap from reg:

Attached is a photo of the wing thumper. At the very end of the whole wing is the tip, then the flapper, then the thumper, it is attached to the breast. What we do is to take the skin off the thumper and cut/scrape/pull all the meat up to the knuckle. A small piece of carrot is inserted in the middle of the meat then a piece of bacon is wrapped around and secured with a toothpick. It is then smoked. After its finished smoking the carrot is removed and the blue cheese sauce put into the hole.

Wings are a very very popular finger food up here. They even have a few chicken wing contests a year in this area. Last I seen the price was $3.49/lb