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Been a while

Started by shenandoah, January 01, 2024, 04:09:28 AM

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Ok it's time to get back to cheese. I've done various charcuterie since I've last done cheese. I've only done cheese 3 or 4 times and have been blessed with the results.
Looks like it's been about six years since I've made cheese.  Going to make some Caciocavallo as I've done in previous posts. The formulation is one I modified from my grandmother's recipe and my father is going to help.
It's interesting that I went to the town where my dad grew up and tasted the same type of cheese that they sold at a small store. Mine tasted the same even when I traded out some PH milk for raw milk

I'll post the results

B e n

Welcome back! That is quiet a cheese challenge to return with, good luck!