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Hello from Ohio

Started by BigDaveK, September 28, 2024, 11:36:02 PM

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Ten+ years ago I started making sauerkraut and quickly added other vegetables to my fermenting list. A portion of my fermented peppers went towards some really wonderful hot sauce. It's a great way to preserve vegetables but I needed more. So....

A few years after that I started making sourdough bread. Homemade bread, sourdough especially, is a treat! But I needed more. So....

Then I started making sausage. I was so disappointed in what was available in the stores I HAD to make my own. I did quit a variety but now mostly stick with kielbasa (with extra garlic) and a couple Italian (with extra fennel). But I needed more. So...

I started making wine. And more wine. I'm a country wine maker which means grapes are rarely used and everything else is fair game, fruits, vegetables, flowers. I'm sipping a raspberry wine now, in fact. But I needed more. So...

Charcuterie was up next. Dry aging meat. Now we're talking roll your eyes and knock your socks off flavor. Yup, but I needed more. So...

Here I am and I think it was inevitable. I haven't made any cheese yet. A week, two weeks tops, I'm still getting all my ducks in a row. One project this week is to make a Dutch press. I won't need it right away, I'll start with something simple. Eventually, though, I hope to combine hobbies, infusing cheese with my homemade port wine.

I'm expecting to learn a lot from you folks!


Welcome BigDaveK, great to have you here, Have fun with new pursuit! John.


Thank you.
I'm sure I'll feel the same as with my charcuterie and wine making and wish I'd started 20 years earlier!