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home-cheese making in israel

Started by home-cheese, October 25, 2009, 08:22:37 AM

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we have in israel
an internet shop for the cheese makers -
sell also wine .

Cheese Head

Welcome to this forum Home-Cheese!

I have just added that (your?) Hebrew language webstore to our list of Cheese Making Supply Stores.

I assume you are in Israel, if Hebrew is your first language (as is that website), at the top right of the forum there is a pop down menu that you can change the forum software to Hebrew or other language from default English.

Also, I just added a Board for posts in Hebrew language, in case you want to make any.

Again, welcome!



maiby you can help me
i'm looking to bay a pasteurizer include chiller - 30/50 liter



Cheese Head

home-cheese, I have not seen a pasteurizer/chiller that small.

Me I only buy store bought pasteurized milk, most of the members here who have access to raw milk I think do not pasteurize it. Can anyone advice?


I use only raw milk. I do not pasteurize for cheeses aged longer then 60 days, but I do pasteurize for fresh eaten cheeses kept less then 60 days, Camembert for example.
