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calcium chloride

Started by cath s, December 09, 2009, 06:46:26 AM

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cath s

does anybody know where you can buy this from????
cheers in advance


Let's ferment something!
Bread, beer, wine, cheese...it's all good.

cath s

thanks boofer...
Looking at the link its only for USA??
postage may kill it coming to NZ???


Try here?  http://www.clarkproducts.co.nz/IndustrialChemicals.php

I looked at the homebrew shops, which usually have CaCl2, and none of them seem to have it in NZ.

cath s

thks linux boy...

I may have found some...
curdsandwhey have it in liquid form $15/bottle

Gürkan Yeniçeri


Also Peter in Wellsford NZ sells it.  I just got some from him.  He has a website, www.cottagecrafts.co.nz 


Another Kiwi here.

Just getting interested in cheese making, after getting frustrated at the lack of decent paneer in this city ::). I had a good source in Chch but no luck so far up north...

But, I figure in for an inch, in for a mile, I might as well do some learning, and this looks like an excellent place to do it!

Cheers for an awesome repository of knowledge.