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Store Bought Cheeses - How Keep Longer?

Started by Gürkan Yeniçeri, January 07, 2010, 04:52:46 AM

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Gürkan Yeniçeri

I buy cheese from stores from time to time and keep them in my cave, sometimes wrapped in a piece of old cheesecloth or in cling-wrap. The ones in cheesecloth are drying and the ones in cling-wrap are getting softer and humid. As we consume them quickly there is not much problem but there are some store bought cheeses which I would like to keep a little longer. There is no wax on them, they have natural skin.

How do you keep those store bought cheeses longer, if you buy any? Should I wax them or vacuum them?

Sailor Con Queso


And then store at 2-4 C. That severely slows down any mold and bacteria growth, and the vac bags also help with that and humidity. When you open the cheese from a vac bag, I've found it best to let it sit for 30-60 minutes so it can breathe and to let it gradually come back up to eating temp.

Gürkan Yeniçeri

Himmm, refrigerator is the way to go then. I have another reason to buy a vacuum sealer now.

Thanks guys.