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Contaminated Feta?

Started by FetaIsBeta, February 25, 2010, 01:56:43 AM

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I have some feta that changed flavors and it's amazing!

A friend bought me some feta a while back as she knows I can't get enough. When I opened it, it was actually rather bland so it's been in my fridge in a vacuum sealed bag. A few days ago I started eating it again breaking it apart with my fingers. Tossing the remainder back in the fridge (not in the cheese drawer) and not vacuuming the air out. A very poor cheese. For two days I ate it with my fingers, let it set in the fridge for one and tonight I got it out again. I starting eating it and the taste had completely changed.

The flavor was sooooo sweet I couldn't believe it! I think something must have contaminated it, most likely from just using my fingers. It was so pathetic before and now it's wonderful. I finished the last of it and I am wondering... what really happened?

I'll give you some details, it's feta made from actual ewes and goat's milk. the production date is 3-30-2009, package date is 6-09-2009, use by date is 2-09-2010 (heh). It is now 2-24-2010 and it just changed flavors. Did it change on the age alone? I really know nothing of cheese other than it tastes good and the few things I've leaned from watching Modern Marvels LOL.

If someone knows or has a good idea of why it tasted so awesome please let me know.

PS. I'm keeping the bag in case there is a chance I can re-infect another batch, but I'll wait for people with more knowledge to tell me if it'll kill me hahaha.


It no doubt dried out some in an opened bag the could have helpped.


Well in that case I'm going to have to dry some next time I end up with weak tasting/smelling feta. Thank you!!