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Storing Cheese?

Started by VJB, April 20, 2008, 06:55:58 PM

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Maybe I'm missing it, but, I would love to see a topic (even shared with another forum already) about the proper storage of cheese.

Thanks and I'm looking forward to looking around!


Hi VJB and welcome. Good question, we always store our's in fridge, but eating it is better at room temperature to bring out the aroma and flavor. My understanding is that as cheese is a living, breathing food, it needs to have the right balance of humidity and air circulation to keep its bacteria and microorganisms alive and in balance, which is why most Cheese Mongers recommend storing it in the fridge in wax paper, not plastic that many supermarket cheeses come in. Here's some good summary info - links on this subject:


Most cheeses store well in ziplocks bags in the fridge.  But as someone else already mentioned, it's important to take the cheese out of the fridge at least 30 minutes before serving for the best flavor.  See http://www.cheesecommunity.com/articles-cheese.php?article_id=2 for more info.

Cheese Library

Because cheeses are living organisms they need the careful balance of making sure that they are not cut off from air, but also not drying out. The best way to accomplish this is to use waxed paper or aluminum foil. Plastic wrap is ok as well since it is more common to use but you need to make sure to consistently rewrap theses cheeses. Plastic wrap is more ideal for harder cheeses.

The best place to store your cheeses is in the vegetable drawer of your refrigerator. It is slightly warmer than other areas, has a nice level of humidity, and is away from other foods that might release some odors that the cheeses can potentially pick up.

Never freeze cheese.

If mold should appear on fresh cheeses or should the cheeses become slimy, throw them out. If spots of mold appear on other types of cheeses simply scrape them off and cut around the spot and the cheese should be fine.
