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Introduction - CdnMorganGal

Started by CdnMorganGal, August 30, 2010, 02:49:19 PM

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Hi!  I'm very new to cheesemaking, but have found this site and http://biology.clc.uc.edu/Fankhauser/Cheese/Cheese.html invaluable. 

I live outside of La Suiza, which is outside of Turrialba.  So far I've made 4 batches of feta - which all differed wildly when finished.  More on that in a future post.  I've also made my first hard cheese which is now bagged and sitting in my fridge.  I've been using raw cow's milk from a neighbor.

My opinion of this sub-board is not to replace existing boards on this website (the range and depth of experience is incredible) but rather a place for those of us in Costa Rica to talk about cheese-making problems/experiences specific to living here.

Looking forward to getting to know you!


Welcome aboard CMG! Good to have you here.