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Which cow breeds should I lean towards?

Started by CdnMorganGal, August 15, 2010, 10:13:01 PM

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coffee joe

Yes to AI! We do ET and IVF as well, but need to have a bull around as there are some of our cows don't conceive well with AI so after 2 misses we go with a bull.  Not often but it happens


I love my jersey, i think they have the most even temperaments. I like that they are little too. 


Yes bulls are some of the most dangerous critters on earth.  My neighbor was killed by the bull, my brother-in-law was tossed into the air by a bull, landed on top of a freestall pipe, lots of bruises and a cracked rib.  These were family farmers where the bull was raised by the family, ear scratching and all.  The problem is they are totally unpredictable, can turn from nice to killer without warning.  Just the way it is. If kids wander near by or into their area how tragic could that be.  Not worth the chance when for a few bucks you can hire AI.  Even if it was cheaper to raise one, it's not worth it.