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Highland cow milk

Started by Alice in TX/MO, September 04, 2010, 08:20:01 PM

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Alice in TX/MO

I have a friend who is selling a nice Highland cow, and she's trying to convince me that she'd make a milk cow.

Anybody made cheese from the milk of Highland cattle?


I know that there are folks over on the Keeping a Family Cow site who milk them.  One in particular lives in AK.

Wow, look at those horns - hope she's friendly! :o


Thats the kind of cattle we are going to invest in for eating. They are suppose to taste delicious. When they are little. I would say see if you can milk her first.

Jerseys are really a good bet because they are little, produce the least amount of poop per gallon of milk and are FRIENDLY! They also produce the most cream. Omg they are some of the friendliest sweet docile breeds on the planet, and even though I was pretty experienced with livestock, I am really glad I have a very gentle genial jersey. The guy I bought mine from gave me a good price, taught me to milk her, let me milk her at his place and trucks them all over the country. So if you want one and want to talk to me about it just pm me.

The cool thing is he gets ones that aren't producing a ton right now and will breed them for you if you need her bred, so mine produces 3 gallons a day but he has some that produce anywhere from 2 gall a day to 6 gal a day depending on your needs.


Someone in New Mexico is selling a 3 month old female Guernsey for $600 on Craigslist. And here I am in an apartment in Los Angeles. :'(

Alice in TX/MO


No, the ad says she calved 3 months ago.  She's in the middle of the state