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Butter, Cultured - Culture Recommendations

Started by Gustav, June 06, 2011, 04:10:58 PM

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Does anyone have a cultured butter recipe for meand know what strands to use?


I use MM100 or Flora Danica, culture at 76° f until it's thick sour cream (usually 24 hours), then use a food processor with a cutting blade to churn and wash.
Dave in CT


Sounds good.
I read somewhere that the perfect culture to use are the atached doc.

The bio chenist lady I know that works at Danisco says this is best to use for camberet, brie, cult butter etc...

I'm getting my new cultures tomorrow to make some jarlsberg, maasdammer, swiss cheese.

My 1st brie is starting to make some white mold now. YAY!


I like undefined strain DL culture, such as probat. Or for a cleaner more crisp acidity, you can use D culture, such as MM100.