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storage container/grating and cutting aid

Started by daver3283, April 24, 2011, 02:48:49 AM

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Hi all, i am a new member just getting into the.finer aspects of cheese.  I have had an idea for a new tupe of container that stores cheese but also can be used to handle.cheese when slicing or grating that would avoid handling it directly.  Just putting it out there to see if cheese aficionados would find something like that very useful.  I appreciate any feedback that might help me develop a useful tool to help.muself and others enjoy cheese!


Hy daver3283.
I suggest to first use the introduction section of the forum and introduce yourself and what you are about (where from, what kind of cheese do you make if any). It's a great way to get a personal greeting from many long time members so you can see who may be a good fit for your conversation.

I am not sure I understand the purpose of this container you are developing.  Handle cheese is a very general term for people who handle cheese in different ways all the time. What do you mean specifically? Cutting, grating, sampling, storing, aging, washing, spraying, salting, ashing, turning, drying, brining, wrapping, humidifying... there are many many things a cheesemaker can do in a box.  What kind of cheese? Is it fresh? Spreadable? Soft? Hard? Brine-stored?  Is this something one would use for production, entertaining, cooking or storage of cheese? How large a cheese can fit in this? Try to be more specific.

There are a few manufacturers like Boska and Swissmar that specialize in these types of things (for both home and commercial use).  Look at their catalogs and see if you can get a good reference point for what you are trying to do.  Maybe some of the crafty helpful people here can help you!