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Forum IT Problem - Text Running Off Right Side Of Window

Started by ArnaudForestier, July 01, 2011, 03:20:21 PM

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Not a cheese thing, but a posting one.  Anyone else having an issue with text running off the page/post screen runs off page? 

I suspect something on my end; ever since downloading SP1 for W7, I had issues; uninstalled, but this posting issue has remained.  Not sure if it's the SP1 weirdness, but wondering...anyone else?
- Paul


Yes, I'm having that also. I've been using the return key to bring it back to the left side so I can see it.


Thanks, Pam.  I had wondered whether I was alone, something to do with my recent SP1 stuff.  Good to know.
- Paul

Cheese Head

It's a forum software glitch, i have it also, trying to chase down with forum software company, hang tough.


Thanks, John.  For the privilege of being able to take part in your site, I think I can put up with it. ;D

Thanks for all you do.
- Paul