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ph meters in New Zealand?

Started by JeffHamm, August 03, 2011, 10:34:38 PM

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Does anyone know where to look for ph meters in New Zealand?  And do you have any recommendations?

- Jeff

Gürkan Yeniçeri

When I was looking into getting an IQ125, I said to myself; there must be a company selling this in Australia and I found them. They quoted me <hang on to your chair now> $700AU. I said to them that I can order this little pH meter from US and it will cost way way way cheaper including postage. They said nothing in return and I ordered from cheesemaking.com.


Yah, I checked  the chemistry department at the University thinking they probably have lines on inexpensive ones for students, etc, but they only get the top of the line $1200.00 NZ ones for the labs and the students don't get their own.  That was a bit more than I think I want to spend! :) 

- Jeff

Gürkan Yeniçeri

I have seen Dick Smith Powerhouse is stocking some pH meters. Do you have Dick Smith in NZ?


Are you paying alot of import tax over NZ?
If not you can just order your insturment by mail from the manufacturer directly.
Shipping may be expenssive (70-80$) but as you say,it will still be alot cheaper then buying locally.



Yah, we have Dick Smith's.  Also, I think pet stores sell pH meters for fish tanks that might work well enough.  I've seen online pet stores list them, but haven't checked in the local stores.  But, worth a shot.

- Jeff


Quote from: JeffHamm on August 18, 2011, 06:22:05 AM

Yah, we have Dick Smith's.  Also, I think pet stores sell pH meters for fish tanks that might work well enough.  I've seen online pet stores list them, but haven't checked in the local stores.  But, worth a shot.

- Jeff

I'd save your money. The one I bought from DSE is lightly less useful than a fist full of air. It is quite unable to decide on a pH and prefers to oscillate over three or four decimal places. Also, given the length of time they stay in stock, the electrode is never kept moist...



Thanks for the heads up Alan.  Will look into pet shops and see if they have any recent stock, etc. 

- Jeff