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Buying Camembert & Brie

Started by Cheese Head, May 10, 2008, 07:55:38 PM

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Cheese Head

Camembert and it's larger cousin Brie is at it's best, it's softest and most flavoursome, when it's when fully ripe. The best way to ensure this is:

  • Buying from a reputable store so you know it's been stored - matured correctly.
  • Choosing and consuming one that is closest to it's best by date (this does not mean it expires on that date).

Anyone have good or bad experiences with this?


We had some Canadian Brie come in to us that was so ammoniated that it was almost sickening.  This is what you call way past its prime.  It is unfortunate that we can't get traditional Brie & Camembert into this country because of the raw milk.  The stuff that they make in France completley blows our stuff out of the water.

Cheese Head

Hi Merlin

Because of your job and passion, you are the guru on this type of subject so I'll definately take your word on it for the French Brie. I assume the Canadian Brie that you had was also made from non raw, ie pasteurized and homogenized milk. Camenbert and brie are still very popular here in US, I remember once ages ago having a deliciously oozy one where middle slowly oozed onto plate! How do you do that? I assume room temp and at peak of ripeness or is it not possible with US brie / camenbert?


It's funny that Brie & Camembert are as popular as they are in the states because of the lack of depth these two cheeses have without the raw milk.  With the domestic cheeses you will be able to get close to the consistancy of their French brothers but it will never get that extra earthy tones that a French Brie will.  My personal favorite is from a maker in California named Marin.  They make both a brie & a Camembert.


speaking of Brie, have either one of you ever tried Brie and leek pizza ? its amazing. i also do one with smoked chicken along with the Brie and leek.
