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Where Do You Live?

Started by Boofer, September 15, 2011, 02:40:27 PM

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Would it be possible for each forum member to go in and update their profile to include where they are located...at the minimum?

I wouldn't consider it an invasion of privacy to know at least the country, if not a little more about where a particular member lives.

There are other fields there which could also be added to, if desired.

Please, take a moment and have a look at your profile.


Let's ferment something!
Bread, beer, wine, cheese...it's all good.



Good nudge, Boofer. I hope more people take the time to update their location.

It's so frustrating to read posts and not even know what country (or state) they are in, as dealing with cheese-making conditions differs greatly around the world.


Good idea, Boofer; I did mine.


how do we show the info under our avatars or names when we are reading the forum? Vic


If you go to your profile, you can modify the personal text with whatever you'd like.


Boofer, good idea, in the forum joining instructions and in Hello & Welcome sticky in the Introductions Board I've asked new members to add their location to their profile to make it easier for people to reply, but doesn't always happen.

Victor the forum software has no way to force people to complete their Location field or to show it to the left of their posts.

Thus while I don't like adding modifications to the forum software as increases # of software bugs, I've just added a mod that does just that, but only for people who have populated their Location field. If they haven't then nothing shows. I've searched for a way to populate it from admin account with words like "Default Text" to remind members to fill in that field but nothing.

Hope this is better with that mod! John (CH).


I was thinking I was going crazy since my location just showed up.  I knew I had filled it out before.  Good addition so far, John. I hope it doesn't cause too much more work for you.


Thanks, John. With folks on here from all around the globe, it's really special to know from whence they came.

Your forum contributes to the shrinking world.

Oh no, there goes that song in my head....

Let's ferment something!
Bread, beer, wine, cheese...it's all good.


From whence they came? Boofer, are you quotingKennedy, or Arrested Development?


Quote from: smilingcalico on September 18, 2011, 10:22:09 PM
From whence they came? Boofer, are you quotingKennedy, or Arrested Development?
Sorry, did I err?

Didn't watch AD and I'm not familiar with your Kennedy quote. That word choice just sprang from my early English.

Let's ferment something!
Bread, beer, wine, cheese...it's all good.


Didn't err one bit, Boofer.  It's just that I've only heard it twice before.  I know American English has gone down hill a bit, so intelligent or poetic sounding phrases stand out a bit more.