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Great New Zealand Cheesemaking book

Started by Shazah, March 03, 2012, 11:05:41 PM

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Hi Kiwi cheesemaking fans.
I am new to this forum but have been making cheese for a few years now, on a very small scale.  I've had some great successes with Haloumi, Ricotta, Feta, Camembert and Mozarella.  I made a Farmhouse blue on Friday but it's a little early to tell if that's going to be a success.  I've also had some horrible failures but I'm hoping that now I have a cheese cave, they will be few and far between.
Let me know if you'd like more details about my Wine Cellar, which I purchased in NZ, new for NZD$395.00 and so far seems very reliable.  It's got dual temperature zones and presently it's working very well with 10C below for the Farmhouse blue (it's in an airtight container so I'm hoping not everything else will turn blue) and 14C at the top for my wrapped camemberts.

I recently purchased a good magazine style book called How to make Cheese & other dairy products by Jean Mansfield.  It has quickly become my "go to book" for all my queries and has some lovely recipes too.  It's nice that it has weights and measurements in metric so we don't have to always be doing the conversions from imperial.
Jean has a farm in Waihi, near Tauranga, and if you ever have a chance to go to one of her classes, (held throughout the North Island) it's a real treat.  Her style is really well suited to our kiwi way of life.  I think she also has a DVD and a website.

Happy cheesemaking


Hi Shazah,

I am a new Kiwi cheesemaking fan.   :)

I'm searching through here trying to find any recommendations for cheese making books and came across your post so thought I'd say HI.  I have Jean's book already, it's great and I did the one day course with her in Auckland earlier this year.
I only started making cheese myself since doing her course - so far so good, with a few 'interesting' results and I'm sticking with feta and camembert for now as those are the ones I love.

I hope your cheese making is going well.
The Wine Cellar sounds interesting, I have got a small 'beer' fridge on a higher than normal temperature setting for storing my cheese while it matures.

Jean's website for anyone else that comes across this posting is www.makecheese.co.nz.



Hi phae

I wonder if we were at the same Jean Mansfield class earlier this year?  I can't even remember the dates but it was over at Selwyn College and we made Camemberts, Ricotta and Mozarella.  It was a great day.

I have just come back from an interesting cheese makers forum held at the Kapiti Cheese shop in Shortland St.  Callum is the manager there and he's also a home cheese maker.  He really knows his stuff and gave us a lot of interesting info.  He's also a home brewer and is keen to sort out some nights where beer and cheese can be matched and a little side competition with the brewers bringing their beer and the cheese makers bringing their  (pre-determined style) cheese eg. Halloumi

I will keep you posted on any other cheese related news I come across.
