My 3-year-old Garlic Gouda

Started by Boofer, July 06, 2021, 11:26:08 PM

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I opened this garlic gouda on its 3rd birthday. The garlic character is slight. The texture is flexible and it slices well. The gouda flavor comes through nicely. The rind shows some exposure to whey moisture over the three years, but is quite edible.

Let's ferment something!
Bread, beer, wine,'s all good.


Three YEARS?!?  Wow.  AC4U.  How long have you been making cheese?  How did you prepare the garlic?
Your cheese looks very nice.  What is gouda like when aged so long?  Does it become sharper, creamier, etc?
Making cheese is easy, making a cheese is hard


Lovely.  Have a cheese, please.


Lovely cheese, great job....  8)


Cheesemaking has rekindled our love of spending time together, Diane and me!


Quote from: bansidhe on July 06, 2021, 11:57:56 PM
How long have you been making cheese?
I made my first cheese in 2009.

Quote from: bansidhe on July 06, 2021, 11:57:56 PM
How did you prepare the garlic?
I have roasted garlic before and used that in a gouda, but I believe I used garlic powder for this make.

Here are some of my previous makes.

And here are some learning lessons: Failures

Thanks for the cheeses.  :)


Let's ferment something!
Bread, beer, wine,'s all good.


Thanks!  I will definitely be checking out your makes and learning lessons!
Making cheese is easy, making a cheese is hard


Boofer, this is just awesome!!
I do find the whey leaking out does flavor the rind in a way that isn't so nice.
Did you have to change the bag a few times?
Another cheese for you oh cheese master!


Thanks, Susan. No, when I bagged it, that's how it stayed until I opened it. The geo in the rind is a little discordant...perhaps my palate takes it in stride. ;)

Let's ferment something!
Bread, beer, wine,'s all good.