The Cheese Rap Video

Started by Webmaster, July 22, 2008, 10:37:57 PM

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ello!  My name is Rhett McLaughlin, and I'm part of internet comedy duo, Rhett&Link
(  We just released a new video, the Cheese Rap, and we would be
super grateful if you guys found a way to feature it on your site.  If you end up doing
so, please let me know, as we would like to link back to your site from our blog.  Here's
the video:

Thanks so much!


Cheese Head

Well that is certainly inventive and different ;D, I don't know if I'll look at cheeses in the same way again!

Great software work getting your faces into the cheeses, congrats!


Great job on the video...except the ending...I always feel like cheese. ;D ;D ;D